Qualls Design has the following certifications and noteworthy awards:
Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
Certification #3347
Texas Department of Transportation Precertifications:
3.2.1 Route Studies & Schematic Design
4.2.1 Roadway Design
7.1.1 Traffic Engineering Studies
7.3.1 Traffic Signal Timing
7.4.1 Traffic Control Systems Analysis, Design And Implementation
7.5.1 Intelligent Transportation Systems
8.1.1 Signing, Pavement Marking, And Channelization
8.2.1 Illumination
8.3.1 Signalization
8.4.1 ITS Control Systems Analysis, Design & Implementation
9.1.1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Development
Texas Board of Professional Engineers:
Professional Engineer, License #97337
Transportation Professional Certification Board:
Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, License #1958
Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation:
Registered Accessibility Specialist, License #1459
New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors:
Professional Engineer, License #29528
Oklahoma Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors:
Professional Engineer, License #33999
Louisiana Professional Engineering & Surveying Board:
Professional Engineer, License #0046861
Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies:
Professional Engineer, License #0055483
Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers
Professional Engineer, License #33366
Pennsylvania State Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs
Professional Engineer, License #094004
Texas Institute of Transportation Engineers:
TexITE Young Engineer of the Year, 2012
Texas Institute of Transportation Engineers:
Technical Paper of the Year, 2010: “The Greening of Student Pick-Ups at School Dismissal”